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AIAI First Nation community members, leaders, elders, and friends talk about the significance of semaa / oyen’lwa’on:we / kwshahtew (tobacco).
Chief Stonefish talks about changes she has seen happening in her community Eelūnaapèewii Lahkèewiit.
Councillor Doug Heil of Caldwell First Nation shares his take on the importance of unity in community.
Stephen Green of Tyendinaga speaks about coming together as a collective for the benefit of the Nation as a whole.
Business and economics professor Fred Lazar speaks about the undoubted sovereignty of First Nations.

Chief Philip Franks shares wisdom about the Two Row and the relationship with the Crown.
Chief Sayers talks about the Robinson Huron Treaty and what is means to Nations in his region today.
Dakota of Hiawatha First Nation shares his thoughts on the definition of Treaty.